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Process Mining Stars At TechWeek2020 – Can’t Believe We Did That!

TechWeek2020 provided an invaluable showcase for Arkturus, from a sellout webinar to our Chief of Product, Athena, interviewed on TechWeek TV.

The Arkturus TechWeek journey started early in 2020.  We were amongst the first to get our Auckland workshop event onto the program.  Then Covid-19 hit.  TechWeek2020 went virtual and so did we.  

The team saw this as a benefit in terms of being able to take our Process Mining story to a national audience.  But (and it is a big but) we went from high confidence in running a workshop to running a webinar, which we had never done before.

Testing times

As the event date in July crept closer our Marketing Director, Jane, made us start practicing.  We thought she was paranoid.  Turns out, she was right to be.  The room we were going to use echoed badly online, managing three of us in different venues was really difficult and our presentation was twice as long as it should be.  

After various tests and rehearsals we got things into a happy path (process mining terminology) even practicing running polls and doing a prize draw. The prize was a $24K Starter Pack, and was taken away on the day by the Canterbury DHB.  

Meanwhile, the upper limit for our webinar registrations was reached.  We had allowed a buffer for people not showing up – it was a free event after all – but even that got passed.  We officially had a “sell out event” on our hands; it was all becoming frighteningly real.

And then TechWeekTV called…

Athena’s interview on TechWeek TV

It was the first day of TechWeek2020 and Athena was beamed in with a technicolour TechWeek screen behind her to be interviewed live.  Then the gremlins struck and sound was lost.  Ten minutes later “normal transmission” resumed. We are grateful to TechWeek Director, Ryan Ashton, for a very interesting interview despite the technical glitches.  

We were all incredibly impressed with Athena’s responses – including her analogy of how Tony Starks’ sci-fi movie character relates to what we’re doing with Process Mining.  She also let slip about our new Simulation Studio product which we are launching later this year.  You can view the interview for yourself here.

Process Mining – The Webinar

You can also view the webinar (under 40 minutes long) here.  We covered a lot of ground including:

  • What process mining is  
  • The value it brings
  • Various use cases it can be put to
  • A deep dive into a process improvement use case (our most popular)
  • And then a roundup of why you’d use it (you know you want to).

We finished with a Q&A and an offer to email responses to any questions we couldn’t cover.  We are happy to extend the same offer to you – just use our contact form and let us know the question relates to the webinar recording.